Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Solano Rattlesnake Dog Vaccines

Learn About Solano County California's Rattlesnake Season & Dog Rattlesnake Vaccines


Rattle Snake Vaccines For Dogs.  Some veterinarians use the dog rattlesnake vaccine as cat rattlesnake vaccine, thought it's designed as a dog rattlesnake vaccine.

Solano Rattle Snake Season

Solano County California's Rattlesnake Season Can Vary: More Active Rattlesnakes Feb or March through Oct or Nov ?

Some say the Solano County rattlesnake season is March through October in say Vallejo, California. But since Vallejo and next door Benicia and American Canyon (Napa County) have different temperatures than Solano's other cities who knows?

Warmer weather is Solano County California's rattlesnake season

Local Newspaper:

Vallejo &

Snake Removal Service

Other nearby California counties have somewhat similar temperatures. Perhaps experts are too worried about law suits to state exactly what the poisonous snake season is in Solano, Sacramento, Yolo, Lake and other counties. Ha!  Nothing on this blog or linked sites are warranted for these and other reasons.